What's Happening:
Dec 1 - First Sunday of Advent. New message series, "Holy Moments". This week, "When it is Hard to Obey." Scripture is Matthew 1:18-25. We'll share Communion. Please join us at 9:00. If unable to be here, we live-stream on Facebook. Message video will also be available HERE Dec 8 - Second Sunday of Advent. This week's message, "A Moment of Surrender". Scripture is Luke 1:26-38. Please join us at 9:00! If unable to be here, catch our live-stream on Facebook. Or message video available HERE To participate in the Community Angel Tree click HERE Find us on Face Book |
Pantry needs in Dec: Instant potatoes, Cake mix, Bar soap
(donations may be left at Ashland Family Fare, basket near Check-out, or bring to church)
Kids Cupboard: Tuna (bring to church)
(donations may be left at Ashland Family Fare, basket near Check-out, or bring to church)
Kids Cupboard: Tuna (bring to church)