Pastor Ray Smith
Senior Pastor - First Congregational, Ashland, NE |
February 6, 2025
As the unpacking process continues the issue of priorities weasles it's way into the forefront. With so much to do in seemingly so little time, where do you start? The bedroom? Need somewhere to sleep that first night. The kitchen? Need to have a room to prepare meals. The bathroom? Showering and toiletries are certainly an essential, but where to start? Our lives can continually be like this: work, kids, hobbies, sickness, events, and other obligations keep us moving a million miles a minute. All the while we are constantly shifting and rearranging these priorities as the world around us changes. But do we take the time to remember our main priority? As we find in the story of Martha and Mary, we can not let our housework, our hobbies, or anything for that matter, come between us and our relationship with Christ. Are we busy? We always will be. Is the house a mess? It's always going to be. Should any of this deter us from taking a moment from our day to read God's word? Or join him in prayer to cast all those worldly worries unto him? No! For we know what Paul tells us in Corinthians "physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come." Even amidst the hustle and bustle, our number one priority should be checking in on our daily walk with Jesus. After all, who is going to provide the strength, courage, conviction, wisdom, and ability for us to get through all that hustle and bustle? That's right; priority number one, our Savior, who tells us simply "seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Blessings in Christ as we continue our spiritual sojourn together. ~Pastor Ray~ |
Pastor Ray began his ministry at First Congregational, Ashland, NE, February 2025