Pastor Randy Hoskins
Senior Pastor - First Congregational, Ashland, NE |
January 18, 2025
Have you ever wondered why you are in some situation you are in? Did you ever ask God why He put you in that situation? Maybe you should ask God why you are there. I heard a story about a man who got laid off from a job as a high-up manager in a grocery store chain. He had a great resume and expected he would find a new job in no time. But interview after interview, nothing materialized. He finally ended up taking a job in the men's department of the Jones Store, making less than he'd made working part time in college. He was talking with a buddy one day, wondering why his life had gone so far downhill. He told him how angry he was at the situation. His buddy asked him if he'd asked God why God had put him in that situation. The buddy said, "Maybe you should ask God, then you might not be there so long." The next day, he walked into work and stopped and prayed. "God, why did you put me in this place?" That day, he ran into one of his coworkers in the break room and could sense something was wrong with her. He asked her what was up, and she said she was fine. He could tell there was something going on with her, and he kept asking her. Finally she told him. "If you want to know the truth, this morning I pulled out my .45 and told God I'd give him until the end of the day to tell me why I should stick with this thing called life." The guy started telling her about Jesus, the cross and the Savior that loves her, and he could see a change immediately come over her. Tears were rolling down her cheeks, and the Spirit began to move over her. He said he lost his job that day because he wouldn't stop praying with her. But he also learned a valuable lesson that day - God didn't worry about his finances, as much as He was concerned about the woman. God wasn't worried about his circumstances, He was willing to move this guy out of his comfort zone to be where he was needed most. God knew long before it happened that that woman would need someone to be there for her that day. The guy said he never missed a meal, never had his power shut off. He learned firsthand that God is in the soul-saving business, God doesn't want anyone to perish, but wants that all people should experience ever-lasting life with Him. I challenge you today to ask God why you live where you live, work where you work, shop where you do. God certainly might have put you in your situation for a very specific, very important reason. Whose life can you make a difference in today? Pastor Randy 402-450-4447 |
After serving as part-time pastor, Pastor Randy was called to full-time ministry in February of 2020.
He and Velvet now live in Ashland.
He and Velvet now live in Ashland.